Mr Bhav Patel was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Northwick Park Hospital
16th February 2024

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the outstanding care and expertise you provided during my recent surgery. As a patient under your care, I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome and the overall experience. From our initial consultation to the post-operative follow-ups, you exhibited a remarkable level of professionalism, compassion, and skill that instantly put me at ease. Your thorough explanation of the procedure and genuine concern for my well-being truly reassured me throughout the entire process. I am immensely grateful for your meticulous attention to detail during the surgery. Your precision and expertise in the operating room were evident, and I have full confidence in your abilities as a surgeon. Thanks to your exceptional care, the surgery was a success, and I am already feeling the positive effects of your treatment. Moreover, I want to acknowledge the kindness and patience you showed in addressing all of my concerns and questions. Your willingness to take the time to listen and provide clear explanations significantly contributed to my peace of mind both before and after the procedure. As a result of your dedication and expertise, I am now on the path to recovery with renewed hope and optimism for the future. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the life-changing impact you have had on my health and well-being. Please accept my sincerest thanks for your outstanding care, and please extend my gratitude to your entire team for their professionalism and support throughout this journey. You are not just a skilled surgeon but also a compassionate healer, and I feel truly fortunate to have been under your care. Thank you once again, Dr Bhavesh Patel, for your exceptional service and for making a positive difference in my life. I will always be grateful for your expertise and kindness. Regards Bijal S Tamakuwala

Written by a NHS patient at Northwick Park Hospital
13th February 2024

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the outstanding care and expertise you provided during my recent surgery. As a patient under your care, I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome and the overall experience. From our initial consultation to the post-operative follow-ups, you exhibited a remarkable level of professionalism, compassion, and skill that instantly put me at ease. Your thorough explanation of the procedure and genuine concern for my well-being truly reassured me throughout the entire process. I am immensely grateful for your meticulous attention to detail during the surgery. Your precision and expertise in the operating room were evident, and I have full confidence in your abilities as a surgeon. Thanks to your exceptional care, the surgery was a success, and I am already feeling the positive effects of your treatment. Moreover, I want to acknowledge the kindness and patience you showed in addressing all of my concerns and questions. Your willingness to take the time to listen and provide clear explanations significantly contributed to my peace of mind both before and after the procedure. As a result of your dedication and expertise, I am now on the path to recovery with renewed hope and optimism for the future. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the life-changing impact you have had on my health and well-being. Please accept my sincerest thanks for your outstanding care, and please extend my gratitude to your entire team for their professionalism and support throughout this journey. You are not just a skilled surgeon but also a compassionate healer, and I feel truly fortunate to have been under your care. Thank you once again, Dr Bhavesh Patel, for your exceptional service and for making a positive difference in my life. I will always be grateful for your expertise and kindness.

Written by a NHS patient at Northwick Park Hospital
26th January 2024

I underwent a stapedectomy procedure with Mr Bhav Patel. From the start of the initial appointment Mr Patel put me at ease, he explained all my options and I decided to have the procedure. On the day Mr Patel went through what to expect. It was such a painless operation and was over in about 15 minutes. After 2 weeks I went to see Mr Patel for the follow up and my hearing test indicated that my hearing was excellent. I was so pleased that I had this procedure as living with reduced hearing was frustrating for me and my family. Thank you Mr Patel, your bedside manner and just the whole overall experience made this journey effortless.

Written by a NHS patient at Central Middlesex Hospital
26th January 2024

I had a stapes surgery with Mr Patel 2 weeks ago. I have been suffering from hearing loss for 3 years. Before surgery I felt a lot of blocking in the left ear and I could not hear very well, I found it hard to hear my colleagues. As I nurse I wanted to research my surgeon and I was recommended to see Mr Patel. I was told that he was trained under with Mr Lavy who is one of the best in the country. I had the operation at Central Middlesex Hospital, the most painful part was the drip in my hard. The ear was numb throughout the operation and the operation was done in less than 15 minutes. After I was discharged I felt fine, there was some temporary pain every now and again for 2 weeks mainly at night. When I saw Mr Patel two weeks later he removed my dressing and the hearing was immediately better. I couldn’t believe how good the hearing was and I cried with happiness! I would recommend this operation and especially Mr Patel to anyone who has the same problem.

Written by a NHS patient at Central Middlesex Hospital
19th January 2024

I am writing to express my utmost satisfaction and gratitude for the wonderful experience and care I received during my recent stapedotomy surgery. The surgery itself was conducted with the utmost precision and expertise, leaving me with a successful outcome and improved hearing in the operated ear. Throughout the procedure, the medical team displayed exceptional professionalism and competence. They took the time to explain every step of the surgery, ensuring I was well-informed and at ease. The level of care and attention to detail provided by Dr Patel and the supporting staff was truly remarkable. Not only was the surgery itself executed flawlessly, but I was also pleased to find that I experienced no pain or discomfort throughout the entire procedure.. I am delighted to report that the ear on which the stapedotomy was performed is now functioning better than my right ear. This remarkable improvement in my hearing has significantly enhanced my overall quality of life, and I am truly grateful for the exceptional treatment I received. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the entire medical team involved in my surgery, as well as the staff who provided the necessary support throughout the entire process. I would not hesitate to recommend your clinic to anyone seeking similar treatment.


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Mr Patel is a Consultant ENT surgeon working at Northwick Park, Central Middlesex and Hillingdon Hospitals. He has a particular expertise in ear surgery, specialising in hearing restoration and awake ear surgery.

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